Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thanks God.

It won't be too late, I guess. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. haha :D
Thank you God for giving me such a blessing.
I got great results in my two public exams this year. Though I'm not hoping for any big rewards, this is also a reward for myself :)
Thank you God for giving me so much nice things in my life. Though it may not be very perfect but at least it's enough for me to be very very very very very very very very very thankful. :3
Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful life. I praise you for all that you have given and done to me.
Sorry for the late updates. Not quite convenient to keep online-ing nowadays. Hope I can update on time during new year! :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Random VII

All I want for Christmas is him ❤ Teeheeheeheehee. Christmas is at the corner!!
Merry merry merry Christmas everyone!! :DD

Friday, December 9, 2011

Random VI

I just want you to hold me tight, in your arms. I'm really afraid that I would fall. Just this once. Pretty pretty please? D:

Random V

When people cry, doesn't mean that they're weak, but they're tired of being too strong (that's for me though)

Feel like going on a roller coaster in my life.

Sorry for not posting something lately. Don't have any ideas of what to post hmm....
1 day left to the performance! Quite nervous though. Didn't go to practice yesterday as we went for dinner with grandparents oops :P Got some pictures of that, lazy to upload lol.
So yeah, I don't know what happened actually, life just went crazier. I don't think I'm in love with someone :/ Won't be, that's for real. Weird. I kept praying to God asking is this how my life should be, without the ups and downs or something? Sometimes my life is pretty fun, but sometimes I felt that life is too simple for me. It may be ridiculous for some people, saying that simple life is fun but then, I'd love to try out more new things.
Up and down, round and round. I'm ready to face all the consequences that comes on the roller coaster. Bless me xo
Life just goes on and on, without stopping. No chances to regret for what you have done in the past. Grab hold of what you have now.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Another fine day :)

Yeah right, I've been eating a lot of nice foods this week, and despite of dancing practice at night, we seem to be like 'going on diet' during dinnertime lol. So today, another good breakfast for us, soft boiled egg with garlic bread, and cappuccino :) Can't get fat, though xD

So, we've been practicing the dance for 10th Dec performance at Lido, and I seem to realize one thing: those people were like not having the heart for the dance. Why? I don't know, and I don't really want to know. As people always say, knowing too much is not a good thing. Is that why my friends won't share secrets to me? Duh, forget about it.

Fine day without carrots :)

I also quite don't know why I want to make that post title lol :D 

We are the visitors on board :D
Well, talking about the days before, sure had a freaking good time YAY :) went on board LOGOS HOPE for our lunch, and had the 2nd tour, this time with mom and her colleagues. The food is really really very nice, don't feel like getting off it! Our host said they serve bread, cold cut and cheese for lunch every time, though there's still something else (we ate spaghetti!) So after the lunch we went for a tour on the ship, visited the bridge, and had ICE CREAM. Very nice, really. Still I didn't bought any books boohoo :(
Ice Cream! Weeeeee :D

Guess what we had when we walked past the book fair: Justin Bieber's bio ewwwww. And there's five of it here, one for each person. There's giving everyone for free, guess no one wants to buy it. Anyone wants it?

Oh yeah and before that in the morning, mom took us for a McBreakfast at Api-api Centre. Sweet and nice! :3 So that day was a day full of blessings :)
My breakfast: burger with tea :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

The second success :3

Again, I cooked dinner for today wee :D. 八宝饭 is what they called in Chinese, don't know what is it called in English, and it doesn't really have 8 ingredients in the rice lol. I took a picture of it this time. Didn't took it last time :x Mom said it tastes good. so happy ^^
The 八宝饭 I cooked! :D

So yeah, just came back from the music camp in Sandakan. Flight slightly delayed when we're coming back. Last ones to leave Sandakan. Yeah right. It kept raining there, that's what I knew. Seems like we bring rain to wherever place we go lol. Had so much fun. Quite an experience. Also the first time to be a pianist in a methodist service heee. Hope I could have more chances to become one in the future. Hopefully. :)

Well, that is the end of the second trip in my holiday.Wrote it in my journal that I just started since that.Still thinking whether I should go to Dungau or not. :/ no sleepovers this time, not like last year. Looking forward. Gonna go to the Logos Hope tour on Sunday, and  the crew (some of them perhaps) will be coming to our youth church to be the host of the service yayyyy! :DD Better get ready my camera hee. counting down 2 months to Chinese New Year = = Damn quick man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm back!

Finally. Just got back from J3 Xiao class trip yesterday. Thought that I won't be waking up in the morning but, well, woke up at 10, though. It's been tiring but fun, climbing up the hills all day long, as the treehouse we stayed is on the top ( and it's the highest than others lol), running about here and there, fishing and something. Didn't get too take pictures cause i didn't bring my camera boo :( But the thing is I keep it in my heart, as a memory then it's enough.

This is just the start of my holiday, that's all I could say. Many activities coming up in the holidays. Gonna start packing for the music camp next week :x Will be celebrating Christmas + New year at dad's, hope it'll be fun. Dad moved into a new house, some time ago. Not the one he used to stay last time we went there. I still haven't thought of what to have for my Christmas present!!

It's the middle of November now, so quick. And it's mom's birthday too! Happy Birthday mom! :) Dear November, please be good to me. Looking forward and forward. Happy holidays!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

謝謝你們 愛我的每個人

(很好听也很感人, 超喜欢滴~ x) 她在10月31日,也是她的生日当天结婚了哦..)


痛 在眼中變成淚 在心中變成灰
怕 被時間變成累 被想像變成悲

不安有時會崩潰 有時會怨懟

謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
陪我掙脫 勇敢地去醒來
當我的護衛 為我禱告心靈更強韌

謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
會想不通 或絕望到躲開
但你們做的 總讓我想堅強負責任 為了愛重生

心 擺脫夜的黑 往藍天而飛 被陽光包圍
只為了 你一句我笑得 好美
我忍住了 太漫長的淚


Somewhat it's like a dream.

As the magicians always said :" The virtual world seems like reality, and reality seems like virtuality." So yeah, I think I'm in a virtual world now. *floating

Waking up in the morning and kept going back to sleep. Seems like the dream is pulling me back. Had quite a weird dream, though. I feel like I'm an abnormal person, 'cause why? I kept having dreams in my sleep. And it's a weird one. :/

Everyday I feel like I'm walking in a dream. Floating,floating and floating~ Things seem virtual around me. Even now. Duh, how can I get out of this reality-dream? or Dream-reality??

*floating......(why can't I touch the ground lol)

Friday, November 4, 2011

It just needs time.

Recently after the exams, some friends are complaining to me something like they got blamed for no reason, abandoned by friends, things just can't get right, something like that. Well, that kind of things happen to me sometimes. The thing is, it just needs TIME to get things staight. It may be long, it may be short, we just have to wait, must trust that this is God's desire. Things will be like normal, the truth will be revealed, if we are patient enough.

Some people can't wait. It's true, 'cause everone's different, everyone has their own patience degree. When they can't wait it anymore, they just solve it in the way they think it should be. Not all can succeed in this, though. Things may get worse, worse than in the first place. someone may be wailing:" I don't have such patience like you do! I'm not you,even!" Tell you, patience can be trained, if you're willing to.

Some people is keen in succeeding, some hoped they can get out of their sorrow as soon as possible, some wanted their misunderstandings or truths to be revealed immidiately. But then things just needs time to be sorted out. So be patient! Good luck in whatever you're facing too! :)

Random IV

If I was asked what did I learn this year, I probably should say I learned how to be stupid, be useless, be such a freak, and also, be CRAZY. :P

Friday, October 14, 2011

Paris. The place I dreamed to go

Eiffel Tower
That's it. Paris. Thinking of going there since I was young. Love to look at pictures of Eiffel tower, how does it really looks like. Crazy about it recently. Oh no! O:
Why I love Paris? I actually don't know it myself. Just had a feeling to it. Haa.

Other than Paris, I would also like to go to Italy. Italiano! Other than the delicious foods they have, I also like the fashion there, music, art. And their history. There's Rome, Milan, and Venice. Ah, Italy! Why can't I fall in love with it? :D

Venice, Italy
Rome, Italy


Milan, Italy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rain, rain and rain.

It's been raining for the whole day, since last night. Dear rain, you make me feel cold.. xP It rained until 12 something I think. I can save money for not switching on the air-con lol :D        

Rain. It's been a long time since rain poured down for such a long period. Hmm...the weather is getting weird. I remembered the weather yesterday was very sunny. Not very hot, though. Now it's gonna be sunny again. My lord! :O It's better if there's no sun than it's raining lalalala...

Sometimes, I really love raining. Thinking of playing under the rain, dancing around, feeling it, not bothering to get sick or whatsoever. There's even nice things to catch in it too. Umbrellas everywhere. Raindrops and dews. Rhythmical sound from the rain made me wanna sleep. And that coolness that it gave. So comfortable

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Muppets! :D

Can't wait to see this movie next year: The muppets! I like the frog! xD

This movie is a 2011 American comedy film, and the first Muppets theatrical release in 12 years, as well as the first Disney-produced Muppets film in 15 years since 1996's Muppet Treasure Island. In the film, Walter (voiced by Peter Linz), the world's biggest Muppet fan, and his friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) must raise $10 million to save the Muppet Theater from Tex Richman (Chris Cooper), a businessman who plans to demolish the Muppet Theater to drill for oil. The film is directed by James Bobin, written by Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller, produced by Martin Baker, David Furnish, Jason Segel, David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman, and John Scotti, and features Bret McKenzie as the music supervisor.
The film is being distributed by and is scheduled to be released in the United States on November 23, 2011 and the United Kingdom on February 17, 2012.The film was first announced in March 2008 and production started in September 2010.

I actually got this on wiki, copy pasted. Rated PG cause there's some rude words in it. Saw the movie trailer and it's quite interesting. Can't wait for it!!! Featuring: Jason Segel, Amy Adams and Kermit the Frog :)

I found this on the website,muppet wiki. And in the pictures are the characters in sesame street. How long ago had I last seen it? :/ quite a long time ago. The big yellow one is Big Bird,coming down on the left is Count von Count, Oscar the Grouch, and Grover. below grouch is Ernie (the shorter one) and Bert. Going down again from the right is Zoe, Rosita and I'm not sure about that little girl there (please comment if you know!). Lastly in the fornt row from the left is Telly Monster, Elmo and Cookie Monster. Used a lot of time to find out their names lol. So long ago, seem to forget who's who. Haa :D
One of my friends loved this sesame street. Crazy of children's cartoons. Teehee x) so I dedicate this to her! Voila!


suddenly I thought about what I had done yesterday. I was crazy. I made a deal to challenge someone see how long should he take to chase me back. I shouldn't have done it. Why am I so stupid?! I shouldn't have bother him. The thing is: could he be getting back? I don't think so actually. Ahhhh!!

Read too much books and looked too much at the computer and I've totally gone out of my mind. Oh Great! D: let him then. I just need to take care of my heart not to fall, that's all. Please end quickly, October. I wanna go out of my mind!!!!!!!


Kinda speechless today. Don't know why, and I don't wanna know lol. Weird :/ I think I need to take something to give me a kick. Help ME!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Waiting for another sunrise

Just finished the first battle. Today. Quite relaxing now. One down, two to go. Freaking quick, wish it would be quicker! ;D

Another 3 day's holiday for us Junior 3, need to get back to school on Saturday as it is the start of our UEC mock. Ahhhhh! Don't know where to start studying the big area of Chinese Historyy. Freaking many man! : /

Refreshing my mind with all the pieces I had learned before, and played before in my exam. So many nice ones, just tend to forgot about it, cause there's always incoming, and more and more pieces to learn and play. Weee :D Getting to be the pianist in the choir performance, and will be in November for the worship team. Good luck for me! xo

So, what should I do tomorrow? Study, study and study. And I'll bet I won't be. Haaa :D when on earth did I gone bad? I had no idea.

Waiting for tomorrow. Enjoying today's life! :3

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Verse for the day :)

If the LORD had not been on our side when men attacked us, when their anger flared against us, they would have swallowed us alive; the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us, the raging waters would have swept us away.
Psalm 124:2-5

Christina Aguilera - Ain't No Other Man

suddenly loved this song. weird.haa :D

Evolution of...me! xD

So yeah, as metioned above, some evolutions did happen to me, not very big though. Really can't stand looking at MY OWN PICTURE when I was still at a younger age omg. So.....so.eergh. Getting older( though not as old as an aunty) and loved to look pretty then..evolutions.haha xD
Here I put a picture I found in my photo folders, and picked the "nicer" look (to prevent looking very ugly)This is a BEFORE picture: (ahhh so ugly lah!)

this one is taken in 2009.Yeah, the ugliest moment. It can be said as the better one comparing with others lol x|

this one is taken in 2010. I looked FAT! Don't know why. Weird.


Tada! This is my current look. Look here and looked there, I really changed a lot, especially with new specs and sometimes without specs. Sorry I'm a little to self obsessed lol xD

Oh yeah and there's another one. Taken when I was at a very young age. Quite cute though. So my look is like cute to ugly, then to nice again. Funny. here it is. taken aroud 2002 or 2003 if I didn't mistaken:

So, conclusion is: It's a TREMENDOUS evolution!! haa :D

(P.S If you observe carefully you may see that my before picture is smaller than the after picture. I actually purposely made it smaller.Sorry I'm so in love with my look right now and I don't dare to share too much of my before looks to others. Teehee xD)

Random III

Sometimes, when no one is caring for you doesn't mean that no one is ever caring for you. Don't think too much :D
Better be kickin to studies :/ Just can't get the mood in it. Wish me luck in next week's exam and the upcoming UEC exam!!! x)

Friday, October 7, 2011

梁文音還是朋友 MV


Life's ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals.Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want~Marsha Sinetar

梁文音"情人知己"MV 完整版

梁文音 "一百萬種親吻" 官方高畫質MV

忽然疯听梁文音的歌。这次专辑里的歌蛮多好听的。我最喜欢的,一百万种亲吻。超好听的啦~ X)


Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work. ~ Rita Mae Brown

Verse for the day :)

For Christians to be recognized
As people who follow the Lord,
Their love for one another is
A virtue that can’t be ignored. —Sper

Verse : By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. —John 13:35

First battle coming to an end! :)

Finally. Got through the tough part of the exam: SCIENCE and SEJARAH. Went through 3 days and 5 subjects weee :D
Counting down 2 days and 3 subjects left. YAY!
Still not an end though. The SECOND battle. TOUGHER than the first one (a lot!) that's for sure. Grr..Don't know where to start preparing hmm : /
Well, it's a 3 days' break for me, and I'm off to computer oops. Blogging is just freaking me out! xD
Can't wait for October to come to an END!
Why is the day sometimes raining freakingly heavy and sometimes the sun is just burning my skins? Weird weather :/
Suddenly thinking of UEC and it makes me scared. I hope I can do very very well in it! :| Haven't prepared ANYTHING!!!!
Better go prepare or else I'll totally bet bombed. Tata :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

[MV]郁可唯&林凡-聽你說 (MV女主角:黃薇渟&謝凱雯)


I Love Autumn very much. Don't know why. Anyway it's autumn now, and I saw this nice autumn picture in the web :) Happy Autumn! (I love the LEAVES :D)