Friday, October 7, 2011

First battle coming to an end! :)

Finally. Got through the tough part of the exam: SCIENCE and SEJARAH. Went through 3 days and 5 subjects weee :D
Counting down 2 days and 3 subjects left. YAY!
Still not an end though. The SECOND battle. TOUGHER than the first one (a lot!) that's for sure. Grr..Don't know where to start preparing hmm : /
Well, it's a 3 days' break for me, and I'm off to computer oops. Blogging is just freaking me out! xD
Can't wait for October to come to an END!
Why is the day sometimes raining freakingly heavy and sometimes the sun is just burning my skins? Weird weather :/
Suddenly thinking of UEC and it makes me scared. I hope I can do very very well in it! :| Haven't prepared ANYTHING!!!!
Better go prepare or else I'll totally bet bombed. Tata :)

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