Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Waiting for another sunrise

Just finished the first battle. Today. Quite relaxing now. One down, two to go. Freaking quick, wish it would be quicker! ;D

Another 3 day's holiday for us Junior 3, need to get back to school on Saturday as it is the start of our UEC mock. Ahhhhh! Don't know where to start studying the big area of Chinese Historyy. Freaking many man! : /

Refreshing my mind with all the pieces I had learned before, and played before in my exam. So many nice ones, just tend to forgot about it, cause there's always incoming, and more and more pieces to learn and play. Weee :D Getting to be the pianist in the choir performance, and will be in November for the worship team. Good luck for me! xo

So, what should I do tomorrow? Study, study and study. And I'll bet I won't be. Haaa :D when on earth did I gone bad? I had no idea.

Waiting for tomorrow. Enjoying today's life! :3

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