Saturday, October 8, 2011

Evolution! xD

So yeah, as metioned above, some evolutions did happen to me, not very big though. Really can't stand looking at MY OWN PICTURE when I was still at a younger age omg. Getting older( though not as old as an aunty) and loved to look pretty then..evolutions.haha xD
Here I put a picture I found in my photo folders, and picked the "nicer" look (to prevent looking very ugly)This is a BEFORE picture: (ahhh so ugly lah!)

this one is taken in 2009.Yeah, the ugliest moment. It can be said as the better one comparing with others lol x|

this one is taken in 2010. I looked FAT! Don't know why. Weird.


Tada! This is my current look. Look here and looked there, I really changed a lot, especially with new specs and sometimes without specs. Sorry I'm a little to self obsessed lol xD

Oh yeah and there's another one. Taken when I was at a very young age. Quite cute though. So my look is like cute to ugly, then to nice again. Funny. here it is. taken aroud 2002 or 2003 if I didn't mistaken:

So, conclusion is: It's a TREMENDOUS evolution!! haa :D

(P.S If you observe carefully you may see that my before picture is smaller than the after picture. I actually purposely made it smaller.Sorry I'm so in love with my look right now and I don't dare to share too much of my before looks to others. Teehee xD)

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