Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rain, rain and rain.

It's been raining for the whole day, since last night. Dear rain, you make me feel cold.. xP It rained until 12 something I think. I can save money for not switching on the air-con lol :D        

Rain. It's been a long time since rain poured down for such a long period. Hmm...the weather is getting weird. I remembered the weather yesterday was very sunny. Not very hot, though. Now it's gonna be sunny again. My lord! :O It's better if there's no sun than it's raining lalalala...

Sometimes, I really love raining. Thinking of playing under the rain, dancing around, feeling it, not bothering to get sick or whatsoever. There's even nice things to catch in it too. Umbrellas everywhere. Raindrops and dews. Rhythmical sound from the rain made me wanna sleep. And that coolness that it gave. So comfortable

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