Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm back!

Finally. Just got back from J3 Xiao class trip yesterday. Thought that I won't be waking up in the morning but, well, woke up at 10, though. It's been tiring but fun, climbing up the hills all day long, as the treehouse we stayed is on the top ( and it's the highest than others lol), running about here and there, fishing and something. Didn't get too take pictures cause i didn't bring my camera boo :( But the thing is I keep it in my heart, as a memory then it's enough.

This is just the start of my holiday, that's all I could say. Many activities coming up in the holidays. Gonna start packing for the music camp next week :x Will be celebrating Christmas + New year at dad's, hope it'll be fun. Dad moved into a new house, some time ago. Not the one he used to stay last time we went there. I still haven't thought of what to have for my Christmas present!!

It's the middle of November now, so quick. And it's mom's birthday too! Happy Birthday mom! :) Dear November, please be good to me. Looking forward and forward. Happy holidays!

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