Friday, November 25, 2011

The second success :3

Again, I cooked dinner for today wee :D. 八宝饭 is what they called in Chinese, don't know what is it called in English, and it doesn't really have 8 ingredients in the rice lol. I took a picture of it this time. Didn't took it last time :x Mom said it tastes good. so happy ^^
The 八宝饭 I cooked! :D

So yeah, just came back from the music camp in Sandakan. Flight slightly delayed when we're coming back. Last ones to leave Sandakan. Yeah right. It kept raining there, that's what I knew. Seems like we bring rain to wherever place we go lol. Had so much fun. Quite an experience. Also the first time to be a pianist in a methodist service heee. Hope I could have more chances to become one in the future. Hopefully. :)

Well, that is the end of the second trip in my holiday.Wrote it in my journal that I just started since that.Still thinking whether I should go to Dungau or not. :/ no sleepovers this time, not like last year. Looking forward. Gonna go to the Logos Hope tour on Sunday, and  the crew (some of them perhaps) will be coming to our youth church to be the host of the service yayyyy! :DD Better get ready my camera hee. counting down 2 months to Chinese New Year = = Damn quick man.

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