Friday, November 4, 2011

It just needs time.

Recently after the exams, some friends are complaining to me something like they got blamed for no reason, abandoned by friends, things just can't get right, something like that. Well, that kind of things happen to me sometimes. The thing is, it just needs TIME to get things staight. It may be long, it may be short, we just have to wait, must trust that this is God's desire. Things will be like normal, the truth will be revealed, if we are patient enough.

Some people can't wait. It's true, 'cause everone's different, everyone has their own patience degree. When they can't wait it anymore, they just solve it in the way they think it should be. Not all can succeed in this, though. Things may get worse, worse than in the first place. someone may be wailing:" I don't have such patience like you do! I'm not you,even!" Tell you, patience can be trained, if you're willing to.

Some people is keen in succeeding, some hoped they can get out of their sorrow as soon as possible, some wanted their misunderstandings or truths to be revealed immidiately. But then things just needs time to be sorted out. So be patient! Good luck in whatever you're facing too! :)

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