Friday, December 9, 2011

Feel like going on a roller coaster in my life.

Sorry for not posting something lately. Don't have any ideas of what to post hmm....
1 day left to the performance! Quite nervous though. Didn't go to practice yesterday as we went for dinner with grandparents oops :P Got some pictures of that, lazy to upload lol.
So yeah, I don't know what happened actually, life just went crazier. I don't think I'm in love with someone :/ Won't be, that's for real. Weird. I kept praying to God asking is this how my life should be, without the ups and downs or something? Sometimes my life is pretty fun, but sometimes I felt that life is too simple for me. It may be ridiculous for some people, saying that simple life is fun but then, I'd love to try out more new things.
Up and down, round and round. I'm ready to face all the consequences that comes on the roller coaster. Bless me xo
Life just goes on and on, without stopping. No chances to regret for what you have done in the past. Grab hold of what you have now.

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