Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CNY- Day 3

It's the third day of CNY, already. I'm still growing mushrooms, even my angpow bag is = = Duh, can't seem to find some place to collect angpow by now :/ Found out there's nothing fun anymore on facebook, tumblr-ing like crazy and almost posted everything I have on my dashboard, and now blogging. Eeesh. There's nothing to write now. Chinese New Year, it is fun, but I just wanted to have more angpows, and learning how to play mahjong :'((

I saw the news today (or maybe yesterday) a man got hit by the unexploded but exploded fireworks when he approached on Chinese New Year eve. Freakingly sad. Beware of playing fireworks during Chinese New Year, guys!

Hope we can go for movies today, I heard mom said so, don't know whether it's true or not. And I'm sure going to Wei Fung's open house tonight :) weeeeee. No more mushroom growing!! :DD

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