Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back to school after CNY D:

It's the last day of our Chinese New Year holiday already :O
I DON'T FEEL LIKE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL (but i still want to go my house dance practice. ORANGE HOUSE YOOOOO!!)
Argh homework, exam and house meet and cross country coming.
Why holidays always come and go so quick than we're studying? I DON'T GET IT.
My stomach grown small during the Chinese New Year eeeeek :/
I didn't get fat during the holidays gratefully, as I didn't ate much hah.
Felt weird thinking that we'll be going back to school tomorrow *poker face
Feeling lazy going back to school might be most of the schooling students inner heart's voice (as I am one too hahaha) :D *highfives to who agree with me!
My phone's getting quieter and quieter these days. I think these months lol. I want a Samsung Galaxy S2!! Eeeesh.
I might never get a diary this year booo D: Very weird weird weird weird. Crazy going again tomorrow. Toodles!

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