Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back to school after CNY D:

It's the last day of our Chinese New Year holiday already :O
I DON'T FEEL LIKE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL (but i still want to go my house dance practice. ORANGE HOUSE YOOOOO!!)
Argh homework, exam and house meet and cross country coming.
Why holidays always come and go so quick than we're studying? I DON'T GET IT.
My stomach grown small during the Chinese New Year eeeeek :/
I didn't get fat during the holidays gratefully, as I didn't ate much hah.
Felt weird thinking that we'll be going back to school tomorrow *poker face
Feeling lazy going back to school might be most of the schooling students inner heart's voice (as I am one too hahaha) :D *highfives to who agree with me!
My phone's getting quieter and quieter these days. I think these months lol. I want a Samsung Galaxy S2!! Eeeesh.
I might never get a diary this year booo D: Very weird weird weird weird. Crazy going again tomorrow. Toodles!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CNY- Day 3

It's the third day of CNY, already. I'm still growing mushrooms, even my angpow bag is = = Duh, can't seem to find some place to collect angpow by now :/ Found out there's nothing fun anymore on facebook, tumblr-ing like crazy and almost posted everything I have on my dashboard, and now blogging. Eeesh. There's nothing to write now. Chinese New Year, it is fun, but I just wanted to have more angpows, and learning how to play mahjong :'((

I saw the news today (or maybe yesterday) a man got hit by the unexploded but exploded fireworks when he approached on Chinese New Year eve. Freakingly sad. Beware of playing fireworks during Chinese New Year, guys!

Hope we can go for movies today, I heard mom said so, don't know whether it's true or not. And I'm sure going to Wei Fung's open house tonight :) weeeeee. No more mushroom growing!! :DD

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Random IX - DREAM

Dream high, dream far. No dream is unreachable, if you really mean it and go for it. There's no dream that cannot be reached. Don't let dream just be a dream. 

Random VIII

Nobody's perfect. That's a fact, and that's what God gave us. Maybe 70% perfect I don't know. So, learn to love the imperfect self and try to be more perfect :) Smiles. Everyday is a new and blessed day!


Yessssshhhhhhh!! Got to on Internet. Again. Still wondering whether I should go Wei Fung's house for the open house party tomorrow :/ Feel like going, though.

Today's the second day of Chinese New Year, so quick? Yeah perhaps. So, we're in my grandmother's house, my mom's mom. And we really are early. The earliest around. Haha xD

Nothing to do, and no angpow to take at the mean time. Mushrooming :O Blogging and Facebook-ing. Eeeeeesh. Too great there's wifi here. Heeeeeheeeheehee :D
Teddy Bear! :D 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy happy HAPPY Chinese New Year 2012!!

Finally, Chinese New Year is finally here. Finally! New clothes, new shoes, new everything(though everything is not new lol = =) Didn't join the little gambling this year, quite a lot of fireworks but less "dong dong qiang"(what I mean is those Chinese lions during Chinese new year) this year. Boooo! :(
I sure hope I can have a touch screen phone by now, Samsung Galaxy S2 perhaps, or Iphone. Eeeeeesh Feel like earning some money to buy one this year, part time working during the school holidays and lots of angpow angpow angpow. Geeks.
 Yay finally get to use an iPad to blog haha. First time blogging on iPad teehee :D Freakingly fun, and hope to have one (that might not be possible though) samsung galaxy S2!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goodbye holidays, hello senior life.

Well, finally, the end of the holidays. Today's the first day of school, as everyone knows it.(I wonder why they're confusing in Wednesday and the 3rd :/) It feels like nothing to me, only weirdness and hollowness :O It's the start of my busy busy busy life, hopefully so, or not. Taking piano 8th grade if possible, and I feel like taking up violin after I finished my piano grades (or perhaps continuing on diploma xD) and learning guitar, by myself if possible. Gotta change this year, clear out all those bad habits, hopefully.

Counting down 19 days to CNY. Can't wait to wear my new clothes, and get ANGPOWS :) Freakingly quick, school just reopened for not long then we're on a holiday again. Ah, what will be new this year? The year of Dragon :)

Dong Zhi's Breakfast: dumpling! :)
Had lots of fun during the holidays, spent the ends at dad's. Besides eating we're still eating. Everyday eating good foods and junk foods haha xD Gratefully I didn't get fat, and sis is funnier, she got slim = ='' We really did celebrate dong zhi there, having dumplings and tang yuan. :) Don't feel like uploading what we ate everyday, because it's freakingly much :O

Dinner at Don Zhi yay!!

Tang Yuan Tang Yuan :3

Lunchhhh at christmas eveee

Homemade Fish and Chips!!! :DD

Somewhat it's the leftovers from the fish and chips lol

Oh yeah, forgot to say happy new year to you guys, guess I can't update everything on time = =