Friday, November 25, 2011

The second success :3

Again, I cooked dinner for today wee :D. 八宝饭 is what they called in Chinese, don't know what is it called in English, and it doesn't really have 8 ingredients in the rice lol. I took a picture of it this time. Didn't took it last time :x Mom said it tastes good. so happy ^^
The 八宝饭 I cooked! :D

So yeah, just came back from the music camp in Sandakan. Flight slightly delayed when we're coming back. Last ones to leave Sandakan. Yeah right. It kept raining there, that's what I knew. Seems like we bring rain to wherever place we go lol. Had so much fun. Quite an experience. Also the first time to be a pianist in a methodist service heee. Hope I could have more chances to become one in the future. Hopefully. :)

Well, that is the end of the second trip in my holiday.Wrote it in my journal that I just started since that.Still thinking whether I should go to Dungau or not. :/ no sleepovers this time, not like last year. Looking forward. Gonna go to the Logos Hope tour on Sunday, and  the crew (some of them perhaps) will be coming to our youth church to be the host of the service yayyyy! :DD Better get ready my camera hee. counting down 2 months to Chinese New Year = = Damn quick man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm back!

Finally. Just got back from J3 Xiao class trip yesterday. Thought that I won't be waking up in the morning but, well, woke up at 10, though. It's been tiring but fun, climbing up the hills all day long, as the treehouse we stayed is on the top ( and it's the highest than others lol), running about here and there, fishing and something. Didn't get too take pictures cause i didn't bring my camera boo :( But the thing is I keep it in my heart, as a memory then it's enough.

This is just the start of my holiday, that's all I could say. Many activities coming up in the holidays. Gonna start packing for the music camp next week :x Will be celebrating Christmas + New year at dad's, hope it'll be fun. Dad moved into a new house, some time ago. Not the one he used to stay last time we went there. I still haven't thought of what to have for my Christmas present!!

It's the middle of November now, so quick. And it's mom's birthday too! Happy Birthday mom! :) Dear November, please be good to me. Looking forward and forward. Happy holidays!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

謝謝你們 愛我的每個人

(很好听也很感人, 超喜欢滴~ x) 她在10月31日,也是她的生日当天结婚了哦..)


痛 在眼中變成淚 在心中變成灰
怕 被時間變成累 被想像變成悲

不安有時會崩潰 有時會怨懟

謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
陪我掙脫 勇敢地去醒來
當我的護衛 為我禱告心靈更強韌

謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
會想不通 或絕望到躲開
但你們做的 總讓我想堅強負責任 為了愛重生

心 擺脫夜的黑 往藍天而飛 被陽光包圍
只為了 你一句我笑得 好美
我忍住了 太漫長的淚


Somewhat it's like a dream.

As the magicians always said :" The virtual world seems like reality, and reality seems like virtuality." So yeah, I think I'm in a virtual world now. *floating

Waking up in the morning and kept going back to sleep. Seems like the dream is pulling me back. Had quite a weird dream, though. I feel like I'm an abnormal person, 'cause why? I kept having dreams in my sleep. And it's a weird one. :/

Everyday I feel like I'm walking in a dream. Floating,floating and floating~ Things seem virtual around me. Even now. Duh, how can I get out of this reality-dream? or Dream-reality??

*floating......(why can't I touch the ground lol)

Friday, November 4, 2011

It just needs time.

Recently after the exams, some friends are complaining to me something like they got blamed for no reason, abandoned by friends, things just can't get right, something like that. Well, that kind of things happen to me sometimes. The thing is, it just needs TIME to get things staight. It may be long, it may be short, we just have to wait, must trust that this is God's desire. Things will be like normal, the truth will be revealed, if we are patient enough.

Some people can't wait. It's true, 'cause everone's different, everyone has their own patience degree. When they can't wait it anymore, they just solve it in the way they think it should be. Not all can succeed in this, though. Things may get worse, worse than in the first place. someone may be wailing:" I don't have such patience like you do! I'm not you,even!" Tell you, patience can be trained, if you're willing to.

Some people is keen in succeeding, some hoped they can get out of their sorrow as soon as possible, some wanted their misunderstandings or truths to be revealed immidiately. But then things just needs time to be sorted out. So be patient! Good luck in whatever you're facing too! :)

Random IV

If I was asked what did I learn this year, I probably should say I learned how to be stupid, be useless, be such a freak, and also, be CRAZY. :P