Thursday, September 29, 2011


Finally, finished doing my club's annual report. The hard work of me, the assistant secretay, and the Secretary :D:D

So yeah, counting down to my public exam. Approximately 6 days from now. Grrr....and the thing is, I'm still blogging! :S hahaha....

thought a lot about randoms. While study lol. Freaking out!!!! :S

Can't wait for October to come, and pass quickly. I really wanna know who that mysterious guy is. But what I had guessed recently and the clues that someone said to me, I would say: IT.COULDN'T.BE.HIM!!!!! Why him?! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh...... World's falling. The end of the world~

Busy month of the year. Much more busier than July that's for sure. Pray that I can cope everything successfully! x3

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