Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Random I

Get to on blogger weee :D

It's been a long time haven't posted something, and I can't find my beloved blog back :'( sad....

Counting down to our 2 public exams. Oh yes or Oh no?

Sometimes I kept wondering, are people changing or am I the one that is changing?? o.o
Too much to learn in this world. And I had learn way MORE than I had expected this year. Totally more than the last to years in my Juniors. So yeah. Happy about it, and sad about it. This is the year that I counter with a lot of high tides and low tides. So, grown up, a lot. And became mature, quite a lot xP

Things come and things go. Sometimes we just have to learn how to get things up, and put things down.

Lovelife. That's what's important now. Never give up. There's always away to get out of the mess. Believe in yourself. I love myself very much. Always remember God, no matter in good times or bad times. Smiles :)

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