Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thanks God.

It won't be too late, I guess. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. haha :D
Thank you God for giving me such a blessing.
I got great results in my two public exams this year. Though I'm not hoping for any big rewards, this is also a reward for myself :)
Thank you God for giving me so much nice things in my life. Though it may not be very perfect but at least it's enough for me to be very very very very very very very very very thankful. :3
Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful life. I praise you for all that you have given and done to me.
Sorry for the late updates. Not quite convenient to keep online-ing nowadays. Hope I can update on time during new year! :D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Random VII

All I want for Christmas is him ❤ Teeheeheeheehee. Christmas is at the corner!!
Merry merry merry Christmas everyone!! :DD

Friday, December 9, 2011

Random VI

I just want you to hold me tight, in your arms. I'm really afraid that I would fall. Just this once. Pretty pretty please? D:

Random V

When people cry, doesn't mean that they're weak, but they're tired of being too strong (that's for me though)

Feel like going on a roller coaster in my life.

Sorry for not posting something lately. Don't have any ideas of what to post hmm....
1 day left to the performance! Quite nervous though. Didn't go to practice yesterday as we went for dinner with grandparents oops :P Got some pictures of that, lazy to upload lol.
So yeah, I don't know what happened actually, life just went crazier. I don't think I'm in love with someone :/ Won't be, that's for real. Weird. I kept praying to God asking is this how my life should be, without the ups and downs or something? Sometimes my life is pretty fun, but sometimes I felt that life is too simple for me. It may be ridiculous for some people, saying that simple life is fun but then, I'd love to try out more new things.
Up and down, round and round. I'm ready to face all the consequences that comes on the roller coaster. Bless me xo
Life just goes on and on, without stopping. No chances to regret for what you have done in the past. Grab hold of what you have now.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Another fine day :)

Yeah right, I've been eating a lot of nice foods this week, and despite of dancing practice at night, we seem to be like 'going on diet' during dinnertime lol. So today, another good breakfast for us, soft boiled egg with garlic bread, and cappuccino :) Can't get fat, though xD

So, we've been practicing the dance for 10th Dec performance at Lido, and I seem to realize one thing: those people were like not having the heart for the dance. Why? I don't know, and I don't really want to know. As people always say, knowing too much is not a good thing. Is that why my friends won't share secrets to me? Duh, forget about it.

Fine day without carrots :)

I also quite don't know why I want to make that post title lol :D 

We are the visitors on board :D
Well, talking about the days before, sure had a freaking good time YAY :) went on board LOGOS HOPE for our lunch, and had the 2nd tour, this time with mom and her colleagues. The food is really really very nice, don't feel like getting off it! Our host said they serve bread, cold cut and cheese for lunch every time, though there's still something else (we ate spaghetti!) So after the lunch we went for a tour on the ship, visited the bridge, and had ICE CREAM. Very nice, really. Still I didn't bought any books boohoo :(
Ice Cream! Weeeeee :D

Guess what we had when we walked past the book fair: Justin Bieber's bio ewwwww. And there's five of it here, one for each person. There's giving everyone for free, guess no one wants to buy it. Anyone wants it?

Oh yeah and before that in the morning, mom took us for a McBreakfast at Api-api Centre. Sweet and nice! :3 So that day was a day full of blessings :)
My breakfast: burger with tea :)