Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rise and shine.

Good morning everyone! Rise and shine. 8am now. I got up, and see no sun, just signs of raining before. No wonder it's freezing cold last night. Rubbing my feet all night long haha. It's gonna be a good day ahead today, I have lots of new downloaded songs to hear :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

In the Christmas mood.

17 Days to Christmas. Pretty quick grr. What do you think about Christmas? Presents, christmas trees, snow, celebrations, but I think all these are just the minor things, the most important is Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Joy to the world! :)

Busy decorating now, and buying presents! Heehee. Still wondering what to get for my friends.

That's the christmas decoration in our church :)

Welcome home.

Hey there! So yeah I'm back on blogger again. It's been like 1239481259812709 years I've been here so, haha. Guess I'll need some makeover in here. And I need to get my own personal laptop so I can go online easily, and now thanks to my phone I downloaded the blogger app! ;D

It's December already. Time flies. Counting down 17 days to Christmas and 24 days to new year. 2013. Oh dear :) I should be doing a wishlist! Haha, though I don't hope for more everytime. So so so so so boringgggg.

Due to some problems, I can't upload photos that often. So hoping I could :) I'll try my best to upload some!

credits to: tumblr author

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random X

The night that you said you love me, I cried. Because you finally realized that you need me, and I'm glad; Because you never knew how hurt have I been before this and how much have I gone through without you knowing. By the way, I love you too :)

I've changed? :O

Well, as my mom's friends said that about me yesterday during the little gathering. Gah I don't know :)) At least I love how I am now hahaha. Really, I feel some changes in me too, in appearance, and in the inside. Growing up! :D Growing growing and growing, changing changing and changing.

I've been thinking about love love love all the time recently. Why? I also feel like knowing. It's impossible I would've like him, just like that. Arrgghh! Lack of love? Never! Just wanting someone to love, and to be loved. Ngehehehe. Things about love, it's too much in my dear journal, it might be crying not longer now.

Dreamed about something weird last night, again. Someone hugged me. And it was a GUY. OMG. And I partially know who is it. Not the one I'm hoping for. Maybe yeah, the one before this. It felt so real. Just realized it was just a dream when I woke up. Eeeek sure hope someone will hug me like that heeheehee :P

It's the holidays finally. Day 4. After the big pressure and battle. It will be harder down the road. Add oil!! Still thinking how to blog through mobile eeeek. Quite a long time I didn't wrote anything here. Busy-ness, and argh can't blog through mobile!!!!!!!! D: Feel like going out. Ugh

Enjoy the holidays, everyone! :D

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Back to school after CNY D:

It's the last day of our Chinese New Year holiday already :O
I DON'T FEEL LIKE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL (but i still want to go my house dance practice. ORANGE HOUSE YOOOOO!!)
Argh homework, exam and house meet and cross country coming.
Why holidays always come and go so quick than we're studying? I DON'T GET IT.
My stomach grown small during the Chinese New Year eeeeek :/
I didn't get fat during the holidays gratefully, as I didn't ate much hah.
Felt weird thinking that we'll be going back to school tomorrow *poker face
Feeling lazy going back to school might be most of the schooling students inner heart's voice (as I am one too hahaha) :D *highfives to who agree with me!
My phone's getting quieter and quieter these days. I think these months lol. I want a Samsung Galaxy S2!! Eeeesh.
I might never get a diary this year booo D: Very weird weird weird weird. Crazy going again tomorrow. Toodles!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

CNY- Day 3

It's the third day of CNY, already. I'm still growing mushrooms, even my angpow bag is = = Duh, can't seem to find some place to collect angpow by now :/ Found out there's nothing fun anymore on facebook, tumblr-ing like crazy and almost posted everything I have on my dashboard, and now blogging. Eeesh. There's nothing to write now. Chinese New Year, it is fun, but I just wanted to have more angpows, and learning how to play mahjong :'((

I saw the news today (or maybe yesterday) a man got hit by the unexploded but exploded fireworks when he approached on Chinese New Year eve. Freakingly sad. Beware of playing fireworks during Chinese New Year, guys!

Hope we can go for movies today, I heard mom said so, don't know whether it's true or not. And I'm sure going to Wei Fung's open house tonight :) weeeeee. No more mushroom growing!! :DD