Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rise and shine.

Good morning everyone! Rise and shine. 8am now. I got up, and see no sun, just signs of raining before. No wonder it's freezing cold last night. Rubbing my feet all night long haha. It's gonna be a good day ahead today, I have lots of new downloaded songs to hear :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

In the Christmas mood.

17 Days to Christmas. Pretty quick grr. What do you think about Christmas? Presents, christmas trees, snow, celebrations, but I think all these are just the minor things, the most important is Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Joy to the world! :)

Busy decorating now, and buying presents! Heehee. Still wondering what to get for my friends.

That's the christmas decoration in our church :)

Welcome home.

Hey there! So yeah I'm back on blogger again. It's been like 1239481259812709 years I've been here so, haha. Guess I'll need some makeover in here. And I need to get my own personal laptop so I can go online easily, and now thanks to my phone I downloaded the blogger app! ;D

It's December already. Time flies. Counting down 17 days to Christmas and 24 days to new year. 2013. Oh dear :) I should be doing a wishlist! Haha, though I don't hope for more everytime. So so so so so boringgggg.

Due to some problems, I can't upload photos that often. So hoping I could :) I'll try my best to upload some!

credits to: tumblr author