Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random X

The night that you said you love me, I cried. Because you finally realized that you need me, and I'm glad; Because you never knew how hurt have I been before this and how much have I gone through without you knowing. By the way, I love you too :)

I've changed? :O

Well, as my mom's friends said that about me yesterday during the little gathering. Gah I don't know :)) At least I love how I am now hahaha. Really, I feel some changes in me too, in appearance, and in the inside. Growing up! :D Growing growing and growing, changing changing and changing.

I've been thinking about love love love all the time recently. Why? I also feel like knowing. It's impossible I would've like him, just like that. Arrgghh! Lack of love? Never! Just wanting someone to love, and to be loved. Ngehehehe. Things about love, it's too much in my dear journal, it might be crying not longer now.

Dreamed about something weird last night, again. Someone hugged me. And it was a GUY. OMG. And I partially know who is it. Not the one I'm hoping for. Maybe yeah, the one before this. It felt so real. Just realized it was just a dream when I woke up. Eeeek sure hope someone will hug me like that heeheehee :P

It's the holidays finally. Day 4. After the big pressure and battle. It will be harder down the road. Add oil!! Still thinking how to blog through mobile eeeek. Quite a long time I didn't wrote anything here. Busy-ness, and argh can't blog through mobile!!!!!!!! D: Feel like going out. Ugh

Enjoy the holidays, everyone! :D